Heroku Router metrics

Heroku Router Path Metrics

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We are pleased to announce that we have released a new feature that allows you to collect Heroku Router metrics by path! 

By default, this option will not be enabled as it will increase your number of total metrics. If no action is taken, you will continue to receive your Router metrics in the default format. This provides a good overview of your application’s total connection times, requests by method/status, etc.

If you choose to enable path metrics, you will receive the same metric types separated by each available path within your app. This allows for fine-grained visibility into your Heroku application, and a higher level of alerting functionality.

You can enable two different types of path metric formats from within the Hosted Graphite Heroku UI: dot notation or underscore. We created this option for you to control the cardinality and number of indexes in your metric series. 

For example, a dot notation path metric might look like:

The underscore format would look like this:


The dot notation format includes additional metric indexes which will provide additional querying possibilities, while the underscore format stores the path as a single metric which will reduce the cardinality of a query.

If you have questions regarding this feature, or how these new metrics can be used for your dashboards and alerts, please reference our Heroku documentation or reach out to us and one of our support engineers will be happy to discuss this in more detail.


Heroku Postgres, Redis, and Kafka Add-Ons

In addition to the Heroku Metric Path feature, we have released new integrations for Heroku Postgres, Redis, and Kafka Add-Ons. If you have any of these add-ons provisioned for your Heroku app (at certain plan levels), performance metrics will automatically be collected and forwarded to your Hosted Graphite account! We also have pre-configured dashboards for these metrics that can be found in our Dashboard Library, which offer a great starting point:

Heroku Router Path Metrics - 1


Monitoring your Heroku infrastructure and add-ons is crucial for optimizing performance, ensuring resource efficiency, and proactively addressing issues. It allows you to detect and resolve bottlenecks, anomalies, and security incidents in real-time, contributing to a better user experience. Additionally, effective monitoring aids in cost optimization by identifying unused resources and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. Hosted Graphite integrates seamlessly with Heroku. 

Tools like dashboards and alerts will complement your data by providing real-time visualization, proactive identification of issues, historical trend analysis, and facilitating informed decision-making, all of which are essential for maintaining a robust and efficient infrastructure. 

Sign up for the free trial, and experiment with monitoring your Heroku stack today. You can also book a demo and talk to the MetricFire team directly about your monitoring needs.

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