
Load Balancing - What Is It and How Does It Work?

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There is a greater need than ever to ensure seamless web application performance. One of the foundational components ensuring this smooth operation is load balancing. While the term might sound technical, its concept is simple and vital for maintaining an uninterrupted online user experience. 

This article will explore load balancing's various algorithms and types and their significance in modern web infrastructure. Furthermore, we'll explore how MetricFire, a leading monitoring solution, can be integrated with load balancers to provide real-time insights and analytics.

An overview of load balancing

Load balancing, in its essence, is the process of distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers, often termed a server farm or cluster. This distribution ensures that no single server is overloaded, optimizing network efficiency, minimizing latency, and providing a seamless user experience. Imagine a busy grocery store with only one checkout line: customers may have to wait long. But if multiple lines are open, the process is more efficient. Load balancing operates on a similar principle, ensuring that user requests are efficiently managed and processed.

How Does Load Balancing Work?

A load balancer is the central component of load balancing. This can be a physical device or a software application. Its primary role is distributing incoming user requests or network traffic across several servers. This distribution is based on various algorithms, which can be broadly categorized into static and dynamic.

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Static Load Distribution Algorithms

In static load balancing, the distribution of workloads doesn't consider the system's current state. It's like having a predetermined strategy, regardless of the actual conditions on the ground. For instance, using a grocery store analogy, if an employee directs customers to checkout lines without considering how fast each line moves, some customers might wait longer than others. Similarly, static load balancing might sometimes overload specific servers while others remain idle. 

The algorithms are:

  • Round Robin: This method cyclically distributes traffic among servers using the Domain Name System (DNS). For each DNS query, an authoritative nameserver cycles through a list of A records for a domain, providing a different response each time.

  • Weighted Round Robin: This approach lets administrators allocate distinct weights to individual servers. Servers with higher capacities, deemed capable of managing more traffic, are allocated a proportionally larger share. The weighting is typically set within the DNS records.

  • IP Hash: This technique processes incoming traffic's source and destination IP addresses and applies a mathematical function to produce a hash value. The resulting hash determines which server the connection is directed to.

Dynamic Load Distribution Algorithms

Unlike its static counterpart, dynamic load balancing considers each server's current state. It considers factors like server health, current workload, and overall capacity. Using our grocery store analogy again, it's like an employee who directs customers to the fastest-moving line, ensuring everyone checks out as quickly as possible. While more complex, dynamic load balancing provides a more efficient and even network traffic distribution. The algorithms are:

  • Least Connection: This method directs traffic to servers with the fewest active connections, assuming each connection demands a similar amount of processing power.

  • Weighted Least Connection: This approach allows administrators to assign specific weights to servers, recognizing that some servers possess a higher capacity to manage more connections than others.

  • Weighted Response Time: This strategy calculates each server's average response time and factors in the number of active connections to decide the traffic distribution. Channelling traffic towards servers with faster response times ensures a swifter user experience.

  • Resource-Based: This technique allocates traffic based on each server's available resources. Specialized software, an "agent," operates on every server to monitor its available CPU and memory. The load balancer then consults this agent to make informed decisions about traffic distribution.

While understanding the load balancing algorithms is essential, the real challenge lies in effectively monitoring the multiple metrics these load balancers produce. Grafana, an open-source analytics and visualization tool, is often the go-to solution. In addition to dashboard templates, annotations, and custom plugins, it also supports alerting and SQL, making it a comprehensive tool for analyzing metric data.

However, setting up, maintaining, and regularly updating Grafana can be challenging. This is where MetricFire's Grafana as a Service stands out. By providing a hosted version of Grafana, MetricFire eliminates the common challenges associated with open-source tools. 

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Types of Load Balancers

There are two types of Load Balancers:

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Software Load Balancers

Software-based load balancers are applications designed to handle all load-balancing functionalities. They can be installed on any server or offered as a fully managed third-party service. These balancers are highly adaptable and especially suitable for modern cloud computing environments. Their flexibility allows for easy scaling, making them a favorite for businesses that experience variable traffic loads.

Often found on virtual machines (VMs) or white box servers, software load balancers typically function as Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs). These ADCs often have enhanced features like caching, compression, and traffic management. When deployed in cloud environments, software-based load balancers offer remarkable flexibility, allowing users to scale their operations in line with traffic fluctuations.

Hardware Load Balancers

Hardware-based load balancers are tangible devices specifically designed to manage vast amounts of traffic and redirect it efficiently across multiple servers. They are physical devices fortified with specialized custom software tailored to handle vast amounts of application traffic. Due to their integrated virtualization capabilities, these devices can host various virtual load balancer instances. Traditionally, vendors embed proprietary software into dedicated hardware, marketing them as independent appliances. 

Often, these were sold in pairs to ensure redundancy should one device malfunction. They offer robust performance and are usually used when high reliability and performance are non-negotiable. However, they come with challenges, including a higher initial investment, ongoing maintenance, and potential underutilization.

Comparing Hardware and Software Load Balancers: 

Investing in hardware-based load balancers requires upfront costs, setup, and continuous maintenance. Their utility might not always be maximized, especially if procured solely to handle peak traffic periods. The user experience may be compromised if traffic unexpectedly exceeds capacity until a supplementary or more powerful load balancer is integrated.

Conversely, software-based load balancers offer greater adaptability. They seamlessly align with contemporary cloud infrastructures, boasting scalability and cost-effectiveness in deployment and long-term management.

Why You Need Load Balancing

Load balancing adeptly manages and steers online traffic between application servers and their end-users. This bolsters the application's availability, scalability, and security and amplifies its overall performance. 

There are several reasons why load balancing is essential:

Ensuring Continuous Application Access

Unexpected server failure or routine maintenance can disrupt users' access to applications. A load balancer improves the resilience of a system by rapidly identifying server anomalies and redirecting traffic to functional servers. In this way, we ensure:

  • Seamless server upgrades and maintenance without hindering application access.

  • Swift recovery and redirection to backup sites during significant disruptions.

  • Regular health checks are needed to address potential issues preemptively.

Boosting Application Scalability

Load balancers proficiently distribute online traffic across several servers. This capability allows applications to handle a multitude of user requests efficiently. Benefits include:

  • Avoiding server overloads by preventing traffic bottlenecks.

  • Anticipating application traffic and facilitating timely server adjustments.

  • Incorporating system redundancy to ensure scalable operations.

Increasing Application Security

Load balancers come equipped with advanced security features, offering an added shield to web applications. They are instrumental in preventing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where malicious actors flood an application server with excessive simultaneous requests, causing it to crash. Additionally, load balancers:

  • Scrutinize network traffic to filter out malicious entities.

  • Limit the impact of attacks by dispersing traffic across multiple backend servers.

  • Channel network traffic through a series of firewalls for heightened security.

Optimizing Application Performance

Load balancers optimize application efficiency by minimizing network delays and amplifying response rates. Their pivotal roles include:

  • Distributing application loads uniformly across servers to optimize performance.

  • Rerouting user requests to proximate servers to curtail latency.

  • Ensuring consistent and peak performance across both tangible and virtual computing resources.


Load balancing is not just a technical term but a pivotal component in ensuring that web applications deliver a seamless and efficient user experience. Whether you're a business owner, a developer, or an end-user, understanding the importance of load balancing and its various algorithms can help you make informed decisions and ensure that web applications are always up and running and delivering optimal performance. 

As businesses and applications grow, integrating monitoring tools like MetricFire becomes indispensable.  To seamlessly integrate Load Balancers and MetricFire with your monitoring system, sign up for a free trial today to take our Hosted Grafana for a spin or schedule a demo to speak to one of our experts to help you get started.

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